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Is there's a similar to:
if((bitmap & BIT_WATER) && (bitmap & BIT_FIRE)) bitmap &= ~BIT_FIRE
if(bitmap & BIT_WATER) bitmap &= ~BIT_FIRE

In a single statement using only bitwise operations, removing the need of a comparation (if)?

I totally mean that if two flag, each completly opposite to the other, are set clear one of them.

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bitmap &= ~(bit_fire * static_cast<bool>(bitmap & bit_water));, but it uses multiplication... –  Petr Budnik Sep 13 '13 at 1:00

6 Answers 6

up vote 1 down vote accepted

Promoting my comment to an answer. Note, it uses multiplication, but maybe it will be still useful to you (code on ideone.com):

#include <iostream>

int main() 
 int long unsigned bitmap_with_water = 0xF300003F;
 int long unsigned bitmap_without_water = 0xF300000F;
 int long unsigned bit_fire = 0x03000000;
 int long unsigned bit_water = 0x00000030;

 bitmap_with_water &= ~(bit_fire * static_cast<bool>(bitmap_with_water & bit_water));
 bitmap_without_water &= ~(bit_fire * static_cast<bool>(bitmap_without_water & bit_water));

 std::cout << (void*)(bitmap_with_water) << "\t" << (void*)(bitmap_without_water) << std::endl;

 return (0);

Program output:

0xf000003f  0xf300000f
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You can avoid the bitmap & BIT_FIRE in the first case, since bitmap &= ~BIT_FIRE; will do nothing to the bitmap if BIT_FIRE is not set.

There is no "set bit X if bit Y is set" in an arbitrary way.

Of course, if you KNOW that, say, BIT_FIRE is one bit higher than BIT_WATER, you could do bitmap &= ~(BIT_WATER << 1), which will clear the "one bit higher than BIT_WATER".

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Sorry, my bad, edited the question with the corrected code, it was supposed to be ~BIT_FIRE not ~BIT_WATER. –  LINK2012 Sep 13 '13 at 0:43
@LINK2012: Ok, edited to reflect your know question. The short answer is still "there is no general/simple way to achieve this". –  Mats Petersson Sep 13 '13 at 0:55
Could you also do bitmap &= ~((bitmap & BIT_WATER) * (BIT_FIRE/BIT_WATER)) if you know BIT_FIRE > BIT_WATER ? –  Mike Dunlavey Sep 13 '13 at 1:05
@MikeDunlavey And if BIT_FIRE/BIT_WATER == 432, for example? –  Petr Budnik Sep 13 '13 at 1:09
@Petr: I suppose, but the OP did call them "bit" :) –  Mike Dunlavey Sep 13 '13 at 1:17

Probably premature optimization, but you could do

bitmap &= ~((bitmap & BIT_WATER) * (BIT_FIRE/BIT_WATER)) & ~((bitmap & BIT_WATER) * (BIT_WATER/BIT_FIRE))

as long as BIT_FIRE and BIT_WATER are single bits (powers of 2). You probably also want bitmap to be unsigned to insure that the compiler can easily optimize this down to a single shift, two bitwise ands, and a complement.

Of course, a good compiler would optimize your original code down to the same 4 instructions with no branch.


Of course, I realized the above is incorrect -- only works if BIT_FIRE > BIT_WATER.

So just stick with the original if and let the compiler optimize it...

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+ OK, you can have my answer :) –  Mike Dunlavey Sep 13 '13 at 1:22

If you need to write a general purpose clear_if_set(int test, int clear, int bitmap) then this answer is useless.

If this is a specialized function and you know the shift distance from fire to water:

int water = bitmap & BIT_WATER;
int shifted = water << WATER_TO_FIRE_LSHIFT; // for example
bitmap &= ~shifted;


bitmap &= ~((bitmap & BIT_WATER) << WATER_TO_FIRE_LSHIFT);
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If using bit numbers instead of pre-shifted bit masks is acceptable:

bitmap &= ~(((bitmap >> SHIFT_WATER) & 1) << SHIFT_FIRE)
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Assuming BIT_WATER and BIT_FIRE are not the same bit then

the truth table for

if(bitmap & BIT_WATER) bitmap &= ~BIT_FIRE


0 0   0
0 1   1
1 0   0
1 1   0

So from a bit perspective that is


1 0   0
1 1   1
0 0   0
0 1   0

Since I dont know the gap between your two bits then something like this which is excessive.

newbit = ((~(bitmap>>BIT_WATER_BIT))&(bitmap>>BIT_FIRE_BIT))&1;

Assuming I didnt make a typo...Also which I assume can be simplified if you take advantage of the specific bit numbers and not do something generic (shift BIT_WATER bit over to land on BIT_FIRE rather than shift everything right then left again. May not make it simpler though.

if bit water bit is 7 and bit fire bit is 3

bitmap = (((~(bitmap>>4))>>4)&(1<<3))&bitmap;

Or maybe this

bitmap = (((bitmap&(~BIT_WATER))^BIT_WATER)>>4)&bitmap;

where >>4 is the direction and delta between BIT_WATER and BIT_FIRE. fill in the proper delta.

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