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Quote# 87194

E=mc2 is a meaningless statement in physics that purports to relate light to matter. In fact, no theory has successfully unified the laws governing mass (i.e., gravity) with the laws governing light (i.e., electromagnetism). Simply put, E=mc2 is liberal claptrap.

Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge predicts that a unified theory of all the laws of physics are impossible, because light and matter were created at different times, in different ways, as described in the Book of Genesis.

[Emphasis added]

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 30 Comments [5/3/2012 3:14:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
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Quote# 87199

The United States foreign policy has been a disaster for decades.

Forcing South Africa to turn that nation over to an evil Communist regime was patently stupid and totally unfair. Joining the UN in banning DDT was another large mistake. The Gorebal Warming fiasco is an unbelievable lie that the current ‘leaders’ endorse.

There is so much more, but placing the sinful homosexuals on a pedestal to be a gaggle honored is simply the most wrong-headed attempt at ‘policy’ ever conceived by man.

What sane person would think that placing one’s penis up another’s anus is another of God’s Plans? These perverts wonder why AIDS and other assorted diseases is visited upon them? After all, they’re just in love with someone and since that someone hasn’t a vagina on him there are other orifices to explore.

Then there’s the practice of cleaning the partner’s dipstick thereby ingesting fecal matter as well as shoving one’s mouth up the other’s anus.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Checking out the history of serial killers we find the very large majority of these multiple murders are committed by committed homosexuals.

IbJensen, Free Republic 28 Comments [5/3/2012 3:31:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog
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Quote# 87186

Permit me to clarify the definition. Sodomy is one MAN inserting his genitals into the mouth or anus of ANOTHER MAN. Say it again. Say it out loud so your ears hear it. Picture it in your mind. Picture Barney Frank and Elton John in action. Barney Frank putting his genitals into Elton John’s. That is what they want to tell us is normal…no wait…tell our children is normal. Into that 'union' they are asking permission to place children. Would you let them put YOUR grandchild into a sodomy-based family? Why would you let them do it to someone else’s child? Have normal people lost their minds?

Dave Daubenmire, Joe. My. God. 66 Comments [5/1/2012 8:49:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 49
Submitted By: Aspergus
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Quote# 46917

There are sooooo many signs that He is coming soon.

Lately, I can't stop gazing at the sky, on my breaks, while driving, I glance up almost all the time. I keep thinking that I might catch the angel with the trumpet just a moment or two before he sounds off. I'm ready to run into Jesus' arms and see Him smile at me and hold me. I can't wait to be in Heaven and see everything with Jesus. There's going to be alot to ask Him about. Wow, to have forever with Jesus!

Not Perfect, But Forgiven, Rapture Ready 42 Comments [9/10/2008 12:15:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: JohnTheAtheist
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Quote# 7289

I HIGHLY doubt we'll be here in 10 years. Not with the way things are going now.

AJSHOPE, Rapture Ready 20 Comments [5/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
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Quote# 87175

INDIANAPOLIS -- An Indiana teacher who says she was fired from a Roman Catholic school for using in vitro fertilization to try to get pregnant is suing in a case that could set up a legal showdown over reproductive and religious rights.

Emily Herx's lawsuit accuses the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and St. Vincent de Paul school in Fort Wayne of discrimination for her firing last June. Herx, 31, of Hoagland, Ind., says that the church pastor told her she was a "grave, immoral sinner" and that a scandal would erupt if anyone learned she had undergone in vitro fertilization, or IVF.

The Roman Catholic Church shuns IVF, which involves mixing egg and sperm in a laboratory dish and transferring a resulting embryo into the womb. Herx said she was fired despite exemplary performance reviews in her eight years as a language arts teacher.

Legal experts say Herx's case illustrates a murky area in the debate over separation of church and state that even the U.S. Supreme Court has failed to clearly address.

Diocese officials said in a statement issued to The Associated Press on Wednesday that the lawsuit challenges its rights as a religious institution "to make religious based decisions consistent with its religious standards on an impartial basis."

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in January that religious workers can't sue their employers for job discrimination because anti-discrimination laws allow for a "ministerial exception." But the justices failed to define who was and who wasn't a religious employee.

"The Supreme Court didn't give us a kind of neat little on-off test as to who's a minister and who isn't," said Rick Garnett, associate dean and professor of law at Notre Dame Law School.

In a similar case in Ohio, a federal judge last month gave the go-ahead for a trial in a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Cincinnati by a parochial school teacher who was fired after she became pregnant through artificial insemination, which the church is also against. The archdiocese fired Christa Dias in 2010, saying the single woman violated church doctrine.

U.S. District Judge Arthur Spiegel said in his March 29 ruling that the ministerial exception did not apply because Dias was a non-Catholic computer teacher with no role in ministering or teaching Catholic doctrine.

Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul School, Huffington Post 30 Comments [5/1/2012 3:21:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Brendan Rizzo
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Quote# 87115

Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, an Islamic scholar based in Iran's holy city of Qom, said in a speech among his followers that homosexuals are inferior to dogs and pigs, according to the news website Khabaronline.

"If a society commits a new sin, it will face a new punishment," he said while interpreting Qur'anic verses about prophet Lot whose tribe Isalmic scholars say was punished by God for sodomy. "Problems like Aids did not exist before."

Citing the Qur'an, Javadi-Amoli said politicians who pass laws in favour of homosexuals are lower than animals. "Even animals ... dogs and pigs don't engage in this disgusting act [homosexuality] but yet they [western politicians] pass laws in favour of them in their parliaments."

Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, The Guardian 30 Comments [4/27/2012 3:55:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 46
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Quote# 87180

The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy.

Marion Knox, Whale 85 Comments [5/1/2012 3:41:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 90
Submitted By: zipperback
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Quote# 87190

I believe that Breivik is not just sane, but that his actions were carefully and expertly planned, well executed, and importantly, achieved Breiviks goals. And in doing so, he has altered the future course of his nation.

Here is some background not widely covered by the media.

1) The Workers’ Youth League (Norway) was founded in 1927 with the merger of the Communist Youth League and Socialist Youth League of Norway. While it officially considers its founding based on the 1903 Norwegian Social-Democratic Youth League, its real impulse came in response to the formation of the Hitler Jugend in Germany, in 1922.

In all of these cases, whether communist or socialist, the purpose of these leagues was to create an ideologically pure generation to replace the current communist or socialist, socialist-fascist political leadership.

Importantly, over the course of almost 100 years, these youth leagues maintained the idealistic, ideological focus of their political movements. This is a winning strategy against conservatism in any form, because conservatives have no inflexible doctrines, and tend to use a static defense of retaining the status quo, whatever it is. Which invariably loses.

2) In modern internationalist-socialism, a primary goal is to eliminate national borders and national, cultural, and ethnic identities, as well as philosophies other than their own. To do this it encourages unrestricted immigration, on condition the immigrants give political loyalty to the left.

That the immigrants are also deeply ideological and in strong opposition to leftism is of small consequence to the left, because it sees them as inherently weak and corruptible, their ideologies far weaker than conservative nationalism.

Norway has a relatively tiny population of only 4.7m, so they are remarkably easy to infiltrate with immigrants until Norwegians are in the minority.

3) So the end result with be an absolute majority of political power for the left, the destruction of Norway as a unique nation, and the Norwegians as a unique people and culture, what remains being a “generic” administrative socialist district of Europe, lead by an ideologically pure elite of internationalists with no loyalty whatsoever to what had been Norway.

4) However, the left made a major mistake by “putting all its eggs in one basket”, with virtually its entire future generation of socialist leaders on an island with no ready means of escape.

Breivik first used a bomb to distract the socialist government, the arrived at the island to systematically kill everyone on it. Once he had achieved that goal, his mission was over and he surrendered peacefully.

5) What he achieved was to completely handicap not just that political party but their anti-Norway agenda. Almost by default, they will soon lose political power, and the more conservative opposition will derail the most destructive of their schemes, hopefully expelling a large number of these immigrants, requiring integration of the rest, restoring Norway’s national pride and culture, and to dismantle much of the socialist government’s bureaucracy.

As such, after many years, Breivik may be regarded as a national hero, though he will be bitterly vilified and cursed by the left even longer, as a “counterrevolutionary.”

yefragetuwrabrumuy, Free Republic 62 Comments [5/2/2012 3:15:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 68
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog
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Quote# 5845

[Replying to (paraphrased) 'if your daughter is ever dying because of a bad pregnancy, abortion will seem different']Maybe YOU will. I do not sell out so easily. I place my bet on Christ everytime and will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS win because of Him.

Buck72, Christian Forums 14 Comments [1/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
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Quote# 87131

That's why I want you to understand that the environmental movement is fundamentally anti-human, it is fundamentally anti-human. And this bears the imprint of the Father of Lies because the Father of Lies, remember hates human beings. Why? Because we are made in the image of God. He wants to stamp out human beings because we remind him God. Well, environmentalists have the same exact agenda: they want to wipe humanity off the face of the globe. Do not be deceived about this; this is the ultimate goal of the environmentalists.

Bryan Fischer, Right Wing Watch 66 Comments [4/28/2012 4:39:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: Zagen30
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Quote# 87165

How You Can Prevent Alien and Military Abductions

1. Ask God to send angelic protection for the house that we were living in and to seal it off from the attacks of the enemy.

“Heavenly Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you in Jesus name to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of billions of legions of angels to surround and encamp around this house and within striking distance of this house and set up angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels to seal this house off from creation.

In Jesus name Father I ask you to send angels to bind up all the free demons trapped inside this house when the shield is closed and to send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus name.

In Jesus name Father I ask you to break, destroy, cut, dissolve, and sever every line of remote viewing, energy drain, energy supply, remote influence, command and control and surveillance that the enemy would try to put through this shield. In Jesus name, Father I ask you to make this shield impregnable to all the attacks of the enemy”.

Michael Relfe, Educate Yourself 71 Comments [5/1/2012 3:20:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 58
Submitted By: zipperback
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Quote# 64210

A few test to disprove the theory of creation:
1. Show nothing producing something. Get your own Pot or kettle, call it black if you want, fill it with nothing, then pull something out of it.
2. Create life. From non living stuff.
3. Create a new stable element.
4. Disprove the creation of coal in a lab. - show long periods of time are required
5. Cause a genetic mutation that adds information to an organism. Grow feathers on a pig.
6. Kill Christianity. In the Bible, God claims that satan will not be able to remove God’s word from the earth.

PCDR, Epsilon Clue 51 Comments [7/24/2009 6:28:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
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Quote# 85093

[On Mae West]

The sexual inroads made in the 60's were blazed by West's movies in the thirties. Her films helped to establish an aura of promiscuity and acceptance of sexual immorality beyond that of Valentino in the 20's. Police were often ushered in to put a stop to her stage performances, and the movie censors were in full steam to ban her lavish sexual portrayals. The Penal Code at the time prohibited "obscene, indecent, immoral or impure drama," and prosecuted all who aided and abetted such performances. In spite of authority's attempts to protect society from her licentious ways, her popularity and fame soared. Men and women everywhere flocked to see the latest films and to take in her seductive messages.

Satan, mastermind that he is, is completely aware of how to produce wanton desire in the hearts of men. Mae was his puppet for such feats. West has been hailed as a prodigy with insight beyond her years for the simple reason that she wrote and produced many of her movies and stage acts. However, West did not create her productions of her own accord, they were completely given to her. West's contact with the spirit world was responsible for producing the scripts that catapulted her into stardom as the “Queen of Sex.”

Jason Kovar, Good Fight Ministries 42 Comments [12/27/2011 3:57:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 50
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Quote# 79126

Congresscunt Giffords will probably survive being shot in the head, according to medical reports currently available. She will likely suffer some life long brain damage from the injury to her brain, but when the victim is a leftist feminist female, how can you tell? Her husband is a NASA astronaut. She should have been home taking care of her husband's house and family instead of risking her life promoting radical socialist causes and amnesty for illegal aliens. The proper place for females is in the private sphere of house, home, and family. The proper place for females is not in the public sphere of politics. If she lives, the Governor of Arizona will not be able to appoint a man to replace her in Congress. Another tragedy. Maybe she will retire.

Bob Allen, The World According to Bob 99 Comments [1/31/2011 4:42:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 160
Submitted By: JohnTheAtheist
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Quote# 25734

Your also not a virgin anymore if you break your hymen with a sex toy, or if someone breaks it with their finger, etc.

[what if you are a man and you have masterubated?]

I didn't say anything about masturbation.

I'm talking about sex toys and girls letting someone who isn't their husband touch them inappropriately.

raven55, Livejournal 45 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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Quote# 75201

I was at an arts fair last weekend. I would estimate 43% of the attendees were homosexual. But it's not like I'm counting. CCW, a Murnak FIST holster and Glock 19 means you never have to worry about it.

So this artsy guy with a straw hat and sandals, you know the type, is slowly walking along the booths, pretending to eye the merchandise. Of course, I know what he's really eying. So I position my self among several tents, to maximize my public visibility, and when "he" comes along I engage him, "What exactly are you doing here?"

"I was hoping to find some pictures for my daughter's new apartment", he says. "Well, just keep hoping" I say, letting the bulge under my vest show prominently.

He got the picture. I checked with law enforcement later and they had no complaints of homosexual harassment at the fair that day.

jaytkay, fark.com 142 Comments [8/15/2010 4:26:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 260
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Quote# 14380

Evangelist preacher Franck Kabele, 35, told his congregation he could repeat the biblical miracle.

But he drowned after walking out to sea from a beach in the capital Libreville in Gabon, west Africa.

One eyewitness said: "He told churchgoers he'd had a revelation that if he had enough faith, he could walk on water like Jesus.

"He took his congregation to the beach saying he would walk across the Komo estuary, which takes 20 minutes by boat.

"He walked into the water, which soon passed over his head and he never came back."

Franck Kabele, DailyRecord 99 Comments [9/1/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Lasagne
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Quote# 7509

Accepting same-sex marriage won't fix the problem of immoral lifestyles and behaviors. It's hard to solve that kind of problem by govenrment endorsing 'marriage' for them. Individuals who base their central identity on the kind of sex they have will not simply stop sleeping around because the U.S. govenrment recognizes their immoral relationship as marriage any more than cohabitors have solved any social problems by their immoral relationships. Face it, immoral relationships lead to problems not solutions.

OneFollowingHim, Theology Web 7 Comments [7/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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Quote# 55482


Sheelan Anwar Omer, a shy 7-year-old Kurdish girl, bounded into her neighbor's house with an ear-to-ear smile, looking for the party her mother had promised.

There was no celebration. Instead, a local woman quickly locked a rusty red door behind Sheelan, who looked bewildered when her mother ordered the girl to remove her underpants. Sheelan began to whimper, then tremble, while the women pushed apart her legs and a midwife raised a stainless-steel razor blade in the air. "I do this in the name of Allah!" she intoned.

As the midwife sliced off part of Sheelan's genitals, the girl let out a high-pitched wail heard throughout the neighborhood. As she carried the sobbing child back home, Sheelan's mother smiled with pride.

"This is the practice of the Kurdish people for as long as anyone can remember," said the mother, Aisha Hameed, 30, a housewife in this ethnically mixed town about 100 miles north of Baghdad. "We don't know why we do it, but we will never stop because Islam and our elders require it."

Kurdistan is the only known part of Iraq --and one of the few places in the world--where female circumcision is widespread. More than 60 percent of women in Kurdish areas of northern Iraq have been circumcised, according to a study conducted this year. In at least one Kurdish territory, 95 percent of women have undergone the practice, which human rights groups call female genital mutilation.

Supporters of female circumcision said the practice, which has been a ritual in their culture for countless generations, is rooted in sayings they attribute to the prophet Muhammad, though the accuracy of those sayings is disputed by other Muslim scholars. The circumcision is performed by women on women, and men are usually not involved in the procedure. In the case of Sheelan, her mother informed her father that she was going to have the circumcision performed, but otherwise, he played no role.

Kurdish Muslims, washingtonpost.com 95 Comments [1/4/2009 4:39:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: seraphicreverie
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Quote# 6088

... scientists see that the Universe appears to be designed, but rather than face the possibility of 'supernatural intervention' as one reasonable explanation, they will spend time and energy thinking up other possibilities specifically so that they can deny the supernatural model. Occam's razor needs to be applied perhaps.

paws, God and Science Forum 7 Comments [2/1/2004 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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Quote# 29142



f4k3grr1, Youthink.com 64 Comments [9/20/2007 1:28:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
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Quote# 87048

The problem is that E=mc2 does not meaning anythimg that makes sense. Anyone is welcome to try to explain it here. Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 98 Comments [4/23/2012 3:00:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 128
Submitted By: Night Jaguar
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Quote# 87122

Does anyone here know what it is about h*m*s*xuality that is especially wrong? What is it about s*x that God is so keyed in on?

It is because of how we were created. Our minds are a womb designed for seed: God-seed (e.g. Spirit-born thoughts, reason, logic, intellect, etc). The basis of the demonic attack against Eve was to get her to let down her defenses and allow Satan to implant his seed in the womb of her mind!

This is the spiritual s*x that physical s*x represents. This is why anything other than a husband (e.g. picture of God/Christ) and wife (e.g. picture of Bride of Christ) is an abomination to God. YOUR MIND is His womb for His seed!

What would you husbands do if you came home and found another man, especially a man with aids or HIV or other disease putting his seed in the womb of your wife? Would you be happy? Would you think it was a good and great thing?

Now -- imagine God who created us and the wombs of our minds for Himself and His seed? Perfect. Pure. Not defiled. Not corrupt. Not diseased. Not a bringer of death. What does God think about Satan putting his dead, corrupt, diseased, deadly seed in the mental wombs of YOUR MIND? What does He think of YOU and your willing participation in this illicit affair?

And if s*x outside of marriage is bad, what does God think about a seed bearer and giver putting his seed towards someone physically not designed to receive it? It is a direct attack on the image of God Himself.

YES -- It highly upsets God. It HIGHLY ticks Him off.

It is time to repent and especially if we have participated in this most base of all expressions of direct attack on the very nature of God Himself!

Wake up people .... wake up, wake up, wake up!!!!

Larry, World Net Daily 80 Comments [4/27/2012 4:01:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 70
Submitted By: kinigget
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Quote# 22257

[why Kent Hovind really went to jail]

He didn't want his hard earned tax dollars going to support the religion of evolution being taught in schools.

Michael Wright (Timmins High And Vocational School), facebook 28 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
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