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Sukanya Chakrabarti, assistant professor of physics in the College of Science, is the lead coordinator of the program “Dynamical Models for Stars and Gas in Galaxies in the Gaia Era,” held at the University of California Santa Barbara Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics from March 4 to May 10. Participating researchers will study galactic formation and evolution using data collected by Gaia, a European Space Agency space observatory. The program will bring together researchers who study spiral structure and bars, gas dynamics, satellites and their tidal streams, and dark matter halos in controlled and cosmological simulations.

Sukanya Chakrabarti,

assistant professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy, presented "Hunting for Dark Matter Using Galaxy Quakes" at the San Jose Astronomical Association on April 9.

Sukanya Chakrabarti,

assistant professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy, presented "Finding Dwarf Galaxies from Their Tidal Imprints" at the International Astronomical Union symposium on Outskirts of Galaxies in Toledo, Spain, on March 15.

Sukanya Chakrabarti,

assistant professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy, gave a seminar on "Galactoseismology: Discovery of a Cluster of Receding, Variable Halo Stars" at Imperial College in London on March 8.

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