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Quote# 28867

let face it 84 % of all americans are christians, and i for one am tired of the 14 % non-beleivers telling us to take god out of our lives and government. this country was founded on christian principles, our money,our declaration of independence, our justice system are based on those beleifs. ans as this nation seperates itself from those principles, the worse it has done. so the 14 % sit down and be quiet. GOD BLESS AMERICA

basswifelynn, Tide.com message boards 47 Comments [9/10/2007 9:23:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: mimiheart
WTF?! || meh

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What about the other 2%? Or are you just really bad at math?

9/10/2007 9:32:21 PM

The Missus

Non-Christian doesn't inherently mean non-believer.
PS... Learn to add.

9/10/2007 9:36:34 PM


My country, love it or leave it! Fundies are traitors to America!

9/10/2007 9:39:57 PM

Jesus was a homosexual

-the founders were not fundies
-how are the constitution and justice system christian, you douche bag?
-the "god" on the money is because of the 50s red scare

read a history book, dipshit

9/10/2007 9:40:15 PM


Let's analyze this...

84% + 4% =/= 100% Fail

Our money is based on the Christian belief? Hardly. This country's been around longer than the 1950s, my child. And since when does "God" = YHWH? Fail

The Dec. of Indep. holds no legal merit in the United States and, as such, is irrelevant. Fail

Our justice system is based on Christian beliefs? Hmm, let's see. In the U.S., one can still legally:
1) worship other gods
2) work on the Sabbath
3) curse their parents
4) cheat on their spouses
5) lie, but not in court
6) be homosexual
And on and on and on... Fail

Yearning for opression of a minority? How Christ-like of you. Fail

Ranting about all this on a Tide message board? Fail x2

Overall, chocked-full of mind-numbing fail.

9/10/2007 9:50:13 PM


Christians. Christians. I need you to think about this for a second:


Other people don't want to hear about your invisible sky wizard, because most of us gave up imaginary friends before we entered grade one.

9/10/2007 10:00:09 PM

Hawker Hurricane

Mormons and Catholics aren't really Christians (according to fundies), so you drop below 50%. Since you are the minority, siddown an shaddup.

9/10/2007 10:00:31 PM

Count Spatula

Actually, only 10% of america profess to be non-believers and only 78% are Christian according to the CIA World Factbook. So not only did you make false assumptions and add incorrectly, you pulled random numbers out of your ass. Way to go.


9/10/2007 10:05:01 PM


Drat, beaten to it. Treaty of Tripoli bitch!!!

9/10/2007 10:14:46 PM


Fundies can't do simple arithmetic.

9/10/2007 10:20:02 PM


let face it 84 % of all americans are christians, and i for one am tired of the 14 % non-beleivers telling us to take god out of our lives and government
Your lives no, the government yes. It's in the Constitution. You can try to amend it to have the government switch to a theocracy but I'm sure it would die in comitte. In fact it would go like this.

Fundie: I propose an Amendment removing the first clause to the First Amendment so that we can make laws forcing everyone to be Christian.

Everyone else: No!

9/10/2007 10:26:57 PM


Their arguing this on a detergent site?

My fabric softener doesn't believe in Jesus!


9/10/2007 10:50:21 PM


Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

9/10/2007 10:55:33 PM


I think I might be one of 2% in this guy's version of America.

9/10/2007 10:55:44 PM


98% of all statistics are pulled out of the speaker's ass on the spot.

9/10/2007 11:22:15 PM


86 - 14 today? when I was in college, 13 years ago, it was 95 - 5. Something is on the decline here!

9/10/2007 11:51:33 PM

Old Viking

The Declaration of Independence makes no mention of the Christian God, only to an obligatory generic version. Our country was not founded on Christian principles, it was founded on secular humanist principles. Our money is not based on religious beliefs. And our legal system is based on Roman Law and English Common Law. Other than these minor discrepancies, though, you're right on.

9/10/2007 11:59:10 PM

King Duncan

Oh that should be an award. The "Pi is exactly three" award, for when fundies fail at basic math.

9/11/2007 12:06:43 AM


"Pi is exactly three" award seconded.

9/11/2007 12:11:37 AM

Madame Scarlet

"i for one am tired of the 14 % non-beleivers telling us to take god out of our lives"

Yes, we are all telling you to be atheists or you will GO TO HELL AND BURN FOREVER FOR BELIEVING IN JEBUS! What? You can dish it out but you can't take it? I don't even know atheists who actively try to make other people atheists. We don't go door to door. We don't stand on street corners with signs saying "Christians repent!"

Yes, we would rather like it if you stopped with this Christian nation bullshit, because that is rather unconstitutional. You know, the first amendment and all.

But to top it all off, this is in response to a commercial not using a part of a song that has the word "god" in it. You stupid, stupid bitch.

9/11/2007 12:18:47 AM


It's been said before, but it's really sad when a fundy's math is worse than mine.

On the actual quote subject though, you gotta wonder how much free time one must need to see a Tide commercial, go "THEY DIDN'T MENTION FUNDY GOD" and post about it on a Tide message board for hours.

9/11/2007 12:53:23 AM


"Whoo! Go America! We have to follow the wisdom of our Christian founding fathers!

What? Tyranny of the majority? Never heard of it."

9/11/2007 1:23:52 AM


I'm more bothered by the idea that people can't even wash their drawers without a site to discuss the finer points of skid mark removal on than by the fundieness. <shrug>

9/11/2007 1:26:08 AM

TB Tabby

I propose a "Two Wolves and a Lamb Award" for Christians demanding to be allowed to oppress non-Christians because they're in the minority.

9/11/2007 1:33:03 AM


Wow, yet another fundamentalist who flunked out of history and civics. Go figure...

9/11/2007 1:43:43 AM
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