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Quote# 49476

Why do Atheists continue to deny the undeniable? Why do they refuse to acknowledge the great sacrifice Jesus made for you?

God created this world.

It is not a difficult concept to grasp and yet people can not. They continue to bleat feebly about 'evolution', can there honestly be anything more ridiculous then claiming we came from apes? And the 'big bang'? I begin to wonder if these deniers of God are really trying at all.

These deniers are responsible for all the wrong happening in this world. Such abominations as same sex couples and a refusal to inform our children about how we came to be is sending us towards the abyss. If we continue on our current path our Lord will surely turn his back on us and we will be doomed for all eternity.

We must rise up, this 'seperation of church and state' crap can not continue. We must do what is right, we will be oppressed no longer!

Holybob, WoW offtiopic 43 Comments [10/11/2008 9:02:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
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Cue pie chart...

10/11/2008 9:09:17 PM


Why do Atheists continue to deny the undeniable? Why do they refuse to acknowledge the great sacrifice Jesus made for you?

Claiming that it's undeniable does not make it so.

God created this world.

It is not a difficult concept to grasp and yet people can not.

It's definitely not a difficult concept to grasp. That's why I believed it at age 6. At age 26, however, I demand a bit more reality from my worldview.

They continue to bleat feebly about 'evolution', can there honestly be anything more ridiculous then claiming we came from apes?

Ah yes! If it's ridiculous, it can't be true! But actually it's not such a hard concept to grasp, and yet you refuse to because... fuck knows why.

And the 'big bang'? I begin to wonder if these deniers of God are really trying at all.

The term "big bang" was coined by a detractor of the theory. Not only that, but the theory was put forth by a Christian. So much for "God-deniers". Oh, wait, Catholics aren't Christians are they? My bad.

These deniers are responsible for all the wrong happening in this world.

[Massive fucking citation needed]

Such abominations as same sex couples and a refusal to inform our children about how we came to be is sending us towards the abyss.

Yeah. That bare assertion of cause and effect might be slightly more convincing (though, y'know, still not much) if the effect was at all in evidence.

If we continue on our current path our Lord will surely turn his back on us and we will be doomed for all eternity.

Sure, and I can pull a hat out of a rabbit.

We must rise up, this 'seperation of church and state' crap can not continue. We must do what is right, we will be oppressed no longer!

Cue pie chart.

...is what I'd like to say if I wasn't going to call Poe, but I am. Please tell me no-one is really that stupid.

10/11/2008 9:11:38 PM

Porky Pine

Read further in the thread. Not a fundie. Just a troll.

10/11/2008 9:12:49 PM

Mister Spak

Why do fundies continue to deny the undeniable? Why do they refuse to acknowledge observable reality?

No ivisible man created this world.

It is not a difficult concept to grasp and yet people cannot. They continue to feebly thump their book of fairy tales, can there honestly be anything more ridiculous "then" claiming a giant man with a long white beard who lives on clouds poofed dirt into a man? And the magic floating zoo? I begin to wonder if these deniers of reality are really trying at all.

These deniers are responsible for all the wrong happening in this world. Such abominations as a retard running the most powerful nation on earth and sending its military after WMDs that never existed and creation a country sized terrorist training camp in the process. If we continue on our current path we will become a third world country.

We must rise up, this dark ages 'God hath commanded it' crap con not continue. We must do what is right, we will remove these mental patients from the government!


10/11/2008 9:14:52 PM


"A refusal to inform our children how we came to be..."

Dude, lack of comprehensive sex education is not the atheists' fault!

10/11/2008 9:20:20 PM

Mrs. Antichrist


10/11/2008 9:30:48 PM


Your Whaaaaambulance has been ordered.

10/11/2008 9:37:05 PM


I think we need the waaaaahmbulance, stat!

10/11/2008 9:48:42 PM


This sounds like the script for a carp B movie.

10/11/2008 10:01:10 PM

Jezebel's Evil Sister

"...can there honestly be anything more ridiculous then claiming we came from apes? ...

How about claiming we came from dirt and ribs? Now that's what I call ridiculous!

10/11/2008 10:04:32 PM

Old Viking

Wait. We're headed toward the abyss? My ticket says Syracuse.

10/11/2008 10:17:03 PM


Holybob? Crazybob would have been more appropriate.

10/11/2008 10:37:13 PM


Ah, the old, "In not allowing me to oppress others you are oppressing me," argument. Move along people, nothing to see here.

10/11/2008 10:39:56 PM


We must rise up, this 'seperation of church and state' crap can not continue.

That's an awful lot of treason in that sentence.

10/11/2008 10:44:47 PM


What was that holybob? I was busy oppressing you, practicing witchcraft & going lesbian, just like a good heathen!

10/11/2008 10:46:54 PM


Nice sir, I hope the pie chart is a sweet finale of your wahhhbulance dish

10/11/2008 10:55:18 PM


Read the rest of the thread, it gets hijacked lol.

10/11/2008 11:32:16 PM


The only "abomination" I see here is you, Loonybob.

10/11/2008 11:32:39 PM

Quantum Mechanic

Jesus is a myth.

Deal with it.

10/11/2008 11:34:59 PM


This is a troll.

10/11/2008 11:36:18 PM


These deniers are responsible for all the wrong happening in this world.


If we continue on our current path our Lord will surely turn his back on us and we will be doomed for all eternity.

Seems like God has always had his back turned to us, which is why atheism is growing.

10/11/2008 11:41:02 PM


Troll. And he's on a roll.

10/11/2008 11:53:40 PM


What can be more ridiculous than two contradictory stories of human creation within the FIRST TWO PAGES of Genesis??? I wonder if these idiots like holybob even read the first two pages of their holy book?

10/12/2008 12:36:20 AM


[God created this world. ]

Prove it. Until then, people will continue to deny it.

[They continue to bleat feebly about 'evolution', can there honestly be anything more ridiculous then claiming we came from apes?]

That is NOT what evolution says.

[These deniers are responsible for all the wrong happening in this world. ]

Actually, some of the most horrible killings in history, were in the name of religion. Like the holocaust.

[Such abominations as same sex couples....]

[We must do what is right, we will be oppressed no longer! ]

Just because we are trying to give everyone equal rights, deos not mean that we are oppresing you.

10/12/2008 1:02:46 AM


2 = 4 is not a 'difficult concept to grasp' [read: WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN] but you don't seem to believe it either!

10/12/2008 1:37:33 AM
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